
Release The Sound

Release The Sound Conference

Release The Sound (RTS) is an annual conference where several believers unite once every year in London, England for Impartation, Activation and Implementation.

The vision is to create an atmosphere through this strategic event which allows us to release our individual and corporate Sound.  The first Release The Sound event was held in January 2017 and has grown stronger, reaching more people of varied ethnicities and cuts across generations. 

Through this medium, people are propelled, empowered, and inspired to step into their God-given purpose and to maximize every potential they have, thereby fulfilling their unique mandate.

The definition of Sound:

Vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach another person’s ear. That’s not the only definition of Sound.
There’s a sound of one’s voice that lets you know what they feel.
There’s a sound of pain.
A sound of joy.
A sound of strength.
A sound of Love.
A sound of desperation.
And a sound of victory.

Sound in simple terms is ‘something that you hear.’ 


Dabo Davies, RTS founder and visionary, leads the conference. Joining Dabo will be an outstanding team of workforce, worship leaders, speakers, who, through their gifts, skills, and anointing, bring us to the place of expression and freedom to release our Sound and become who God has uniquely designed us to be. 

It’s time to RELEASE THE SOUND. 

Why not partner with us in this grand vision?

Kindly leave us your details, and we will be in touch.